Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First appointment with Dr Sinclair

Avery was born on Saturday, May 7, 2011. We went to Children's Mercy that following Friday to see Dr Sinclair. Upon evaluation, Dr Sinclair said he was extremely symmetric. He said that Avery's Fibular Hemimelia(FH) was actually great that it effected both legs. Since he was only 6 days he wanted to wait a couple months to follow-up and see what joints had calcified. At this point,he was concerned mostly about his ankle joints. He said next time we came back he would evaluate the ankles and if they looked stable, then we would be able to save the feet. He then told us of the possibility of amputation. I knew through research that it would be a possibility, but hearing it from a DRs mouth makes it so much more real. I couldn't hold back the tears, I couldn't imagine my baby boy going through that. During the next 2 months it was our job to try and make his legs more stable. Everytime I fed him I would stretch his feet, especially the right foot which is clubbed. The stretching never seemed to bother him. I was overwhelmed to see how strong and patient he was every time I worked with him. For the next 8 weeks, which happened to be my maternity leave I stretched with him several times a day, and tried to wait patiently for the next appointment with Dr Simclair...

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